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Acts of the Apostles Overview
Acts of the Apostles Fifth book of the New Testament; likely written by Luke, a companion of the Apostle Paul and the presumed author of the Gospel of Luke. Acts records the activity of the early church as it expanded geographically from Jerusalem to Rome and demographically from predominantly Jewish members to include Gentiles. The book covers events from the ascension of Jesus (ca. ad 30) to the early ministry of Paul in Rome (ca. ad 62).
Acts bridges the canonical gap between the Gospels (the life of Christ) and the Letters (life within the Church), tracing the early development of the Church. “Acts” refers to the deeds or actions of several of the leaders of the early church, such as Peter and Paul, and the acts of God through the Holy Spirit. Leading themes of the book of Acts include:
• the power of the Holy Spirit;
• the missionary journeys of Paul;
• Jewish and Gentile reception of the gospel;
• the Church and its mission.
Acts of the Apostles Outline
Outline of Acts
Acts follows a straightforward chronological structure. The book opens with a prologue (1:1–3), in which the author connects his addressee, Theophilus, (as well as the reader) with the preceding ministry of Jesus. The text then moves into four major sections that progress from Jerusalem to Rome.
Jerusalem (Acts 1:4–5:42)
• 1:4–8—The commissioning of the apostles
• 1:9–11—The ascension of Jesus
• 1:12–26—Matthias is chosen to replace Judas
• 2:1–13—The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
• 2:14–41—Peter’s sermon and the response
• 2:42–47—Early stages of Christian community (also 5:1–11)
• 3:1–10—Early miracles by the apostles (also 5:12–16)
• 3:11–26—Peter’s sermon in Solomon’s Portico
• 4:1–22—Peter and John arrested and released
• 4:23–31—The believers pray for boldness
• 4:32–37—The believers share all things in common
• 5:1–11—Ananias and Sapphira lie to the Holy Spirit
• 5:12–16—The apostles perform signs and wonders
• 5:17–42—The apostles are arrested and tried by the Sanhedrin
Persecution and Dispersion (Acts 6:1–9:31)
• 6:1–7—The apostles appoint seven helpers
• 6:8–15—Stephen is arrested
• 7:1–53—Stephen’s speech
• 7:54–60—Stephen is killed
• 8:1–3—Saul leads a persecution of the church
• 8:4–25—Philip takes the gospel from Jerusalem into Samaria, followed by Peter and John
• 8:26–40—Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch
• 9:1–31—Saul’s conversion
The Acts of Peter (Acts 9:32–12:25)
• 9:32–35—Peter heals Aeneas
• 9:36–43—Peter raises Dorcas
• 10:1–48—Peter’s vision and visit with Cornelius reveals God’s plan for the Gentiles
• 11:1–18—Peter visits Jerusalem and affirms the Gentile believers
• 11:19–30—The gospel reaches Antioch
• 12:1–4—The martyrdom of James and imprisonment of Peter
• 12:5–19—Peter is rescued from prison
• 12:20–25—Herod’s gruesome death
The Acts of Paul (Acts 13:1–28:31)
First Missionary Journey and Jerusalem Council (Paul and Barnabas)
• 13:1–12—From Syrian Antioch to Cyprus
• 13:13–52—Pisidian Antioch
• 14:1–28—Iconium, Lystra, Derbe (and back to Syrian Antioch)
• 15:1–35—Council in Jerusalem affirms the Gentile mission
Second Missionary Journey (Paul, Silas, and Timothy)
• 15:36–41—Paul and Barnabas part ways in Syrian Antioch
• 16:1–10—Paul travels west (via Derbe, Lystra, Galatia, Phrygia) to Troas
• 16:11–40—Philippi; earthquake frees Paul and Silas from jail
• 17:1–15—Thessalonica, Berea
• 17:16–34—Athens; Paul preaches the gospel at the Areopagus
• 18:1–17—Corinth
• 18:18–22—Paul returns to Syrian Antioch (via Ephesus, Caesarea, Jerusalem)
Third Missionary Journey (Paul, Timothy)
• 18:23–19:40—From Syrian Antioch to Ephesus (via Galatia, Phrygia)
• 18:24–28—Side note about Apollos in Ephesus and Achaia
• 19:1–41—Ephesus; Paul’s preaching sparks a riot
• 20:1–6—Through Macedonia to Greece; back through Macedonia to Troas
• 20:7–12—Troas; Paul raises Eutychus from the dead
• 20:13–38—Voyage to Miletus and farewell to the Ephesian elders
• 21:1–16—Journey from Miletus to Jerusalem (via Tyre, Caesarea)
Paul Arrested in Jerusalem
• 21:17–26—Paul meets with the Jerusalem elders
• 21:27–36—Paul is arrested at the temple
• 21:37–22:22—Paul addresses the crowd
• 22:23–23:11—Paul appears before the Sanhedrin
• 23:12–23:35—Plot to kill Paul
Paul’s Trials in Caesarea and Voyage to Rome
• 24:1–27—Paul appears before Felix
• 25:1–12—Paul appears before Festus and appeals to Caesar
• 25:13–26:32—Paul addresses Festus and Agrippa
• 27:1–28:16—Paul’s voyage to Rome; shipwreck
• 28:17–31—Paul proclaims the gospel in Rome